
In babies and children (it is estimated that 2 to 5% of all children suffer from a B12 deficiency – that are tens of thousands of children in the Netherlands right now) a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to a delay in physical growth and mental (learning) development delay or disability. This is a very serious problem, because it might not always be possible to ‘catch up’ with these delays.  

A B12 deficiency leads to concentrating issues, difficulties finding words when speaking, and memory problems: diminished mental achievements, a lowered IQ, mental disabilities, irritability and behavioural problems, restlessness, aggression and so on. It leads to apathetic, ‘absent’, non-alert appearance. 

A B12 deficiency in children can lead to speech problems – a delay in being able to talk (and then limited) or not being able to talk at all. Furthermore, it may lead to all kind of allergies and skin symptoms (intolerance to gluten, certain foods, milk; for dust, certain metals, etc.) and a failing, or weak, immune system. This means the child often gets sick and poorly, or only very slowly, recovers. And when the child finally recovers, it continues to get sick again; it goes from one ailment to the next.

Striking in this context: the extremely pale facial colour (“the child is pale as a ghost”).

Vitamin B12 deficiency in our youngest compatriots leads to toilet training problems, loss of strength in the arms and legs (sometimes even necessitating wheelchair use). 

An insufficient B12 in children, when focusing on psychological effects, leads to problems in making contact with other people. It can lead to autism (where, ‘in reverse’ extremely GOOD developmental results emerge when autistic children are administered, among other things, methylcobalamin B12; this was shown in the Dr Neubrander’s US

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to abnormal brain CT/MRI/EEGs: brain atrophy, enlarged ventricles, and general slowing down of brain activity can be seen.

What is the appropriate dosage of vitamin B12 for children?

Children use less vitamin B12. For children, 1000 mcg methylcobalamin once a day combined with one tablet of 1000 mcg adenosylcobalamin and folic acid is often enough. For the smallest ones: take them every other day, so one type of vitamin B12 on one day, the other type on the other day.

Age Recommended intake
< 3 years Every other day:
  • One day, 1x Methyl 1000
    (1000mcg Methylcobalamin with 100mcg Folic Acid)
  • The other day, 1x Adenosyl 1000
    (1000mcg Adenosylcobalamin with 100mcg Folic Acid)
between 3 and 9 years old Once a day:
  • 1x Methyl 1000
    (1000mcg Methylcobalamin with 100mcg Folic Acid)
    combined with
  • 1x Adenosyl 1000
    (1000mcg Adenosylcobalamin with 100mcg Folic Acid)
ages 9 and up The Standard Package, Once a day:
  • 1x Methyl 3000
    (3000mcg Methylcobalamin met 400mcg Folic Acid)
    combined with
  • 1x Adenosyl 3000
    (3000mcg Adenosylcobalamin met 200mcg Folic Acid)

Drink plenty of water

During the first 6 to 8 weeks of taking vitamin B12 supplements, it is important to daily drink an adequate amount of water. The body will start to detoxify and by drinking water, your body can appropriately get rid of the toxics.

It is recommended for:

  • Children below 12 to drink half a litre of water a day (2-3 glasses)
  • Children over 12 to drink 1 litre of water a day (4-5 glasses)
  • Adults to drink 1.5 litres of water a day (6-8 glasses)

Questions and Support:

Experience expert Contact: Lavinia Bijl